[README] The First Blog

The First Blog

Posted by Ethan on 2023-03-21
Estimated Reading Time 1 Minutes
Words 268 In Total
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The First (?) Blog

For the first (?) blog, I want to say something about the blog itself.

Actually, I built my first blog about 4 years ago. But I didn’t write anything.

Why? Because I was too lazy. I didn’t want to write anything. I just wanted to build a blog. I thought it was cool. But I didn’t know how to write or what to write.

Why I built the blog again?

As time goes by, I found that my brain could not remember so many things, especially the knowledge I learned. I may forget them after several months, and I also lose some great ideas. I want to write something down so that I can review it later. Especially when I want to learn something new, I can review my old blog to see if I have learned it before.

What do I want to write?

For this blog, I want to write some reviews about the machine learning papers I read, the skills in model training, etc. Thus, this blog will be mainly about machine learning. Also, I will record some interesting things I found on the Internet. (GitHub Trending, Hacker News, etc.)

I also want to write some articles about my life, such as my travel, my feelings, etc.

What do I want to do?

I want to write at least one blog every week. I will try my best to do it. But I can’t promise that I can do it. I will try my best.

The last

True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime
Take your time, and enjoy the journey

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