
Time is running out, and I am still here.

About Me

Hi, I am @Ethan Chen, a student from University of Alberta, and currently I study in the University of Waterloo to get the Master’s degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (MDSAI). I am a computer science student, and I am interested in the field of computer vision and machine learning.

I’ll be sharing my thoughts and insights in my blog, In addition to technical content related to computer science, I may also start sharing life lessons or AI art pieces.

If you are self-learning and have a lot of confusion, or if you have some experience that you would like to share with me, please feel free to contact me through any of the methods below this blog.

About This Blog

This blog is mainly used to record my learning process and share my experience. I will also share some interesting things I found on the Internet. I hope you can enjoy it.

Thanks to Hux and Vincent for providing the blog theme. If you are interested in how to build the blog as a freshman, here’s my article about how I build this blog as thoroughly as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Contact Me

Github: link
LinkedIn: link